How Long Has It Been Since You Took a Work-Free Vacation?

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How Long Has It Been Since You Took a Work-Free Vacation?

One of the saddest things about the advent of advanced technology is that people are chained to their work nonstop. They check on their websites, pop into their email to respond to the needs of others, and get fixated on whether they’re earning money while not working.

Even people who take official vacation time off from work feel tied to their desks, regardless of whether or not they’re soaking up sun on a beach in the Caribbean. Work addiction is real, whether intentional or not.

If you’re an online entrepreneur, things may be even worse when it comes to vacation time. You will work on a plane, in a hotel room, or even while walking through Disney World past a Mickey Mouse cavalcade.

It’s not because you want to, per se. It’s because you feel as if you should. After all, the gadget you’re carrying has you connected to the world wide web on a nonstop basis. So to neglect or ignore your work feels shameful.

Vacation time is different from regular down time. Vacations stretch out a bit longer – from two days to two weeks or more, and they’re vital for you to be able to achieve work-life balance.

Everyone needs an extended break in order to clear their mind from all of the stressful clutter they’re hoarding in their head. When you return to work, you feel rejuvenated and invigorated.

Taking a vacation isn’t just about giving up work for a period of days, but it’s also about stepping away from your responsibilities in your personal life, too. You need to have time where you’re not cooking dinner every night, cleaning up after your family, and staying stuck in the same four walls seven days a week.

A vacation doesn’t have to be a strain on your budget. You can certainly travel to five star hotels and eat at Michelin star restaurants if you please. Or, you can save up for a getaway that doesn’t break the bank.

You can go camping somewhere serene and beautiful, take a road trip and stay at discount bed and breakfasts, do free and fun activities instead of those requiring a hefty fee.

Taking time off of work and your typical home life – even if it’s in your backyard, locally where you usually live, is a great way to recharge and renew so that you’re the best at everything you do, giving it your all.

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