Best Learning Management Systems

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Best Learning Management Systems

In the past, marketers who were selling courses merely created a PDF and gave their customers a simple download link to access the product. But now, with the popularity of hybrid courses that deliver a mixture of text, video and audio formats, something more is needed in terms of being able to deliver the product to your customers.

Learning management systems (LMS) are platforms that allow you to house your course on their site, delivering it in a professional and sleek manner. There are many to choose from, but four are often viewed as the most popular.

These platforms not only deliver for you, but they act as a protective measure against scammers who try to hack into download pages and access the product for free. Using a learning management system, you can drip feed your students lessons that go out at just the right pace.

Some of these will have monthly fees like a subscription, while others don’t. Some install right on your site, giving you total control, while others house your course on their site.

When searching for the right learning management system, you want a tool that’s easy to use, depending on your level of technical ability. Some will be delivered as a simple plugin you install, while others might be more complex.

One of the great things about using a learning management system is that the customer is guided through your course with ease. Some consumers can get lost in a sea of confusing files when a product is dumped in their lap, so you want them to seamlessly flow from one lesson to the next.

Thrive Apprentice is one of the most popular learning management systems you can consider. It’s perfect for people who are just starting out and need something simple to use that’s affordable.

Kajabi is another LMS that works on your behalf to deliver a great experience for your customers. Here, you can create courses, podcasts, memberships and more. There’s a free two-week trial so you can test drive the features.

Teachable is a tool that not only help you deliver courses, but also allows you to have a coaching business, too. And Thinkific is another highly popular LMS tool many marketers choose to represent them.

Keep in mind that most learning management systems have pricing plans that let you scale your plan up as your business needs grow. You might start out with a simple plan, and grow to a basic, then pro and business level that lessens the transaction fees, allows for higher support, and more.

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